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Resolution Time!

Yay! My favorite time of year! Actually that's a lie, that would be summer, and we all know it, but I do love this time of year for two reasons:
1- The end of the holidays. The older I get, the more of a scrooge I become, but not a scroogy-scrooge in the sense of ruining holidays for everyone around me, I actually love the people in my life, immensely, but in the sense that the commercialized holiday, our waste as a nation, and the things people seem to find important this time of year... well, I just don't see eye to eye with all of you holiday junkies. #sorrynotsorry
2- Resolution Time! YES! This isn't about one-upping my fellow human being, but bettering my overall perspective on life as a human being myself.
Oh, and there's a bonus third thing...
3- SPRING TIME IS COMING!!!!!!! The other better time of year! Flowers!!! All the flowers!!!

So, I'm bringing the blog back, but not in any official capacity, and I make no guarantees that I'll stick with it or post often.

Oregon Coast October 2017

I'm bringing it back because it's all part of my resolution this year, and the fact that I want to share it with my buddies. All four of you! ;)  (JK, I've got to have more friends then that... right?! *nervous laugh*).

I actually already know that I have a lot going on this next year, and because of that I'm nervous to make a resolution at all. Life has changed SO MUCH this past year. I'll spare you the details, because you already know them, but it's a lot to reflect on, and I do love me some reflecting.

My two part resolution last year was to be mindful (downsizing and such) and connecting with those around me. My friends, and my family. Honestly, I think I've succeeded for the most part. There are certain areas of my life I was less mindful of then others, and I'm still not a social person, like, at all. I don't know why I thought that would change, but I did, and it didn't, and I've gladly realized that I can have deep connections with my few people, and still be me, the shy, quiet girl I've always been. Huge thanks to those of you who help me embrace this side of myself because it's not always easy being the quiet girl in a room full of outgoing and social butterflies.

My past resolutions are important, because of course they shape my future resolutions. I've learned a lot about myself this past year, and had some huge moments that made me take a HUGE step back on everything I thought I knew about life, and my past. As early as March 2017 I was forced into a new perspective on everything I've ever known about everything I've ever been through, and with that came a new and deep depression, that I quickly sprang out of because it all helped me realize just how free I am as my own person to make my own decisions. Wow, I finally realized that I'm in charge of my own life at the tender age of 30... Hmmm... That probably should have happened a lot sooner, but whatever, it's given me a new sense of self, and a new way of approaching life, which really changed the outcome of the whole rest of the year for me.
Wow, I really love to ramble don't I?
I would love to explain what that big moment was, but I'm not there, and this blog might not be the right place, but I will say it had to do with my mother, who's been gone a very long time now... Funny how dead people can still have such a major impact on your life.
I'll probably get around to explaining this moment in late January, because you're all such wonderful listeners and supporters.

My resolution this year is another type of connection, but one that has a lot more to do with myself, and my dearest Mother Earth. I haven't necessarily solidified what it is yet, but that about sums it up.
It's as simple as wanting to spend more of my time outside, in the incredible depths of nature, and literally grounding myself. I've become a hippy, tree-hugger and all I want to do is embrace that. I can, so I will.
I love resolution time, but this last year I've also discovered that defining something too much can actually have negative or unintended impacts, so I'm not really looking to define this too much this year, but more or less going with the flow, and *gasp* enjoying life.
I love what being in nature gives me, and I'm very much looking forward to all that I can learn in this next year by being a bigger part of it, and hopefully this is more of a lifelong resolution instead of something that gets replaced by something else at the start of another new year.
Always move forward, this is the only moment you truly have, the past is done, and the future doesn't exist yet. Something, something a wise man once said... seize the day!

I think, and am not fully sure yet, that I'll be dusting off my various cameras. Wow, it's been a long time, but...
We are going to Hawaii again in two months!!! That deserves something a little more special then my phone that will most definitely get ruined if I try to take it into the waves with me. ;)

I promise my next post, and hopefully several more after, will be more full of pretty photos and much less rambling, but that's me, I ramble, so this blog will most definitely have lots of that too.

I might also change the name of the blog... My wall never came back up, and I have yet to figure out how or where or if it will. Things to consider. I'm not taking this blog very seriously, but it is and has been a way to connect with some of you, so I'll enjoy it for that because I love you guys!


  1. Yaaaay! So glad you decided to post some more so we can hear about your adventures! <3 you!!


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