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85th Birthday Reunion

Grandma Joan, on Shawn's side (his mom's mom), is turning 85 on the 19th! To celebrate we had a big family reunion in WY at Alcova Lake. It was beautiful and loads of fun! Short and sweet, but so worth it.

I was a little worried about the road trip out there. It's about a 6 hour drive from our current home away from home in Park City, and the worry comes from my little boy previously HATING the car, and the fact that we have been driving all over the place for hours at a time these past three weeks. I guess though, instead of hating it, it prepared him to deal with it. He loved it.
Right before our trip I got an email from Michael's Craft Store about a big sale they were having that included those little lap trays that you put over your lap to color, draw, eat... etc. Has little cubbies for a bottle of water, crayons, notepads... etc. That was pretty much a life saver from the moment we bought them and I wish I had had them sooner. A lot sooner. These road trips just changed forever! Let's be real, I wish I had had something like this as a kid.
I've been not so patiently waiting for the day that my youngest can handle road trips. I think that day has come and summers from here on out will be full of awesome!

I was also happily surprised by everything we saw as we drove east. There's a whole lot of nothing in WY, a whole lot of beautiful nothing. I can't believe this was our first trip out there, and it certainly won't be our last. I never think to drive in that direction but man was it gorgeous!

I have a TON of photos, so I hope everyone enjoys them. Family, please share and enjoy as you like. I want to also add that it was so great to see everyone, people we haven't seen in years, and people I've never met. You all are an incredible bunch of people!

Because of how shy and awkward I am around people, Shawn and I stuck with the smaller folk for the first little while and played apples to apples Disney edition. Aryn was reunited with one of her best friend/cousin's (those are the best!) and even made some new best friend/cousins in the process.

Part of the family is actually a circus. I know, right?! That's awesome! They are called Sacred Circus, and not only did they put on a killer performance the night of Grandma J's big bash, but they let all of the kids and even some adults practice and let me tell you, they were all amazing!

Saturday was our day to explore Alcova Lake. It was absolutely gorgeous! I got several people to try out the paddle board, and all of the kids had fun splashing on the beach and floating around in their various boats/kayaks. I'm surprised to say it's the most relaxed I've felt in a very long time.

Hanging out playing games and crafting with family:

Grandma Joan is the best!

This is Grandma Joan and her sister Ethel:

And this below is Carol. She's absolutely amazing! She had us all singing to Grandma Joan for her birthday, and she and her husband Jim did a hilarious Old Time Radio Show bit to make us all laugh.
Her singing voice literally made me weep. Tears people. Actual tears. She's incredible!

Happy Birthday Grandma Joan!

Right here she's telling me what kind of cake we have to chose from.
Love her!

 Nick was too busy with cake to smile. LOL

Now, this woman is amazing. She has a special place in my heart. I have loved hearing her stories over the years, and getting to know her. She's quirky and speaks her mind. I completely admire her. When we first arrived she said she was going to get everyone together to sing me happy birthday too, since she's so awesome to remember that mine is the day before hers. I thought I could escape, and for the most part I did, but she had me nearly in tears again as we were heading out the door to go home from our weekend and she pulled me aside and sang happy birthday to me all by herself. Joanie, I love you so much! That was the very best birthday present I could get. Thank you thank you!!!
Happy birthday to everyone! Love you Joanie!

After an eventful and incredible weekend we packed up to head home, or home away from home in Park City, and I had a plan to stop at a landmark that I was probably too excited to see. Independence Rock.
Who played Oregon Trail as a kid? Raise your hands...
I totally did. Luckily none of us died of dysentery on the way home. LOL

I absolutely love experiencing history like this. Being able to be at a location and learn all about what people went through to get there, what their lives were like... etc. I'm a total geek about it. It was very hot so we didn't stick around long, but I loved every second of seeing that giant rock.

And that concludes our amazing weekend!
Love you family!
I hope we can do this again soon. I hear rumors of another event in two years. Let's do this! ;)
