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Jordanelle Camping

Our month in Park City was pretty awesome. Jam packed with activity and TONS of driving to and from family. My new Pixel now thinks that I live in Park City and gives me daily updates on traffic conditions so that I can make good time to get "home". Park City definitely became home-away-from-home. Thank you so much Mom and Dad Neibaur for letting us crash at your place.

Part of our stay in Park City was a weekend camping at Jordanelle. We've really come to love that lake. It helps a lot that they do sailing, our very favorite activity, that we haven't done in WAY TOO LONG! We have many plans for that in our coming summers. 
 I almost a bought a boat this summer. Waiting is hard. 

I have a love/hate relationship with camping. I think a lot of people agree with me on this. I love camping. It is totally great. I didn't really grow up camping though, I went a couple of times with my older brother, but aside from that it took me ten years into marriage and kids to buy my first tent. 
Thanks to our town home we no longer have backyard camping to fall back on, which was loads of fun when we had the other house and it prepared me a lot for actual camping which we've only done as a family once before.  
The packing of the car is tremendously difficult, and I'm not good at tetris. LOL
 Fresh produce while camping was also hard for me. I couldn't keep things cold or fresh. Likely I need dry ice, a bigger cooler, and a second car. Then there's the whole set up and take down... Camping is a just a lot of work, and I'm inherently lazy, but... 
I want to go camping again already. 

The good news was we weren't far from "home" should situations go awry.
This was also the puppies first time not backyard camping. I really think they loved it, especially the sleeping arrangements.

 And it's that view right there that is the reason I LOVE to camp.

I also prepared myself with a small outdoor kitchen for pancakes and fresh coffee.

Niko kept trying to escape through the tent window. It was pretty funny. He would run full speed at it, and not realize the net was there to keep him in and fall back on the air mattress.

We loved walking the puppies in the mountain. It was good practice for new and daily walkies at the town home. No more opening the backdoor and letting them run through the massive yard we had. Sorry pups. 

Jordanelle has everything. We loved it so much. We will be back for sure. 

We spent our Saturday afternoon lazing around on the lake on our water crafts. Jordanelle does have that huge play area on the water but after the long walk to see the prices, it was not worth the dollar signs. Maybe in a year or so when I'm not afraid of one of my kids drowning.

Glow sticks while camping was the best idea anyone has ever had.  OK, maybe that's overstating it, but we had a blast with those little lights.

 Glow stick art.

Hopefully we have at least one more camping trip before summer is over. This has been one looooong and crazy summer already.
