It's mid August, and I'm just now posting the rest of our Disney World trip?! Yep. Sorry. Also sorry if you're sick of it. I'm not, and I'm getting ready to make a photo book to display on the floating shelf on my wall. I'm also still trying to figure out the right solution for all of my souvenir photos that makes Wanderer's Wall what it is. When I do you can bet your butt that I'll blog about it. So, if you've been sitting around for three months wondering to yourself "Well, what else did they do in Disney World?" then you've come to the right place, because I'm about to show you! We did what all families do in Disney. Yell at our kids that they better have the best time of their lives, and shove ice cream in their hands. We're just good parents that way. You know, just following tradition. In all seriousness I've saved the best for last. Magic Kingdom is where it's at, it is what makes Disney, Disney. Howeve...